May 4, 2012

Sorry, sorry, sorry...

Ok, ok.  Sorry I have not posted in a while.  Many of my loyal readers have notified me about their annoyance in the long gap since my last post.  So I figured I would give you all a quick update on life as I currently know it:

Overall, everything is good.  Work is going well.  I was in charge of opening up a new clinic for my company this past week while also running a clinic that I've already been running.  I'm slightly annoyed with work since it has put a damper on Hawaii-fun-time!  The apartment is well (and has furnishing now).  Dave is well.  I saw a rainbow on the way to work every morning this week so that was fantastic; I'm trying not to take them for granted.  And on and on and on...  Last weekend I went to Kailua, a beautiful costal town on the windward side.  I was excited to take pictures because I've received some great tips/constructive criticism from Sends (I'm new to this DSLR camera thing), and was ready to improve my skills.  The plan was to do some hiking and then explore the costal park and beach.  I was hiking up the Pillbox hike (goes up a ridge along the windward coast that has a couple WW2 bunkers on it), and I'm snapping pictures with new and improved settings only to eventually discover that I did not have my SD card in.  Bummer, right!  I left it at home.  So I had to give up on pictures for the day.

It was still an awesome day though.  "Why exactly" you ask?  Because, I've found my new love: Kite Boarding!  Adrenaline rush here I come!  I'm so excited about this.  Basically, you attach yourself to a giant kite and then ride the water like you're on a snowboard.  The people doing it were all over the place.  The kites were beautiful to watch.  I was mesmerized.  The really good riders were ramping off waves while simultaneously maneuvering their kite to give them lift; often climbing 20-30 feet in the air before splashing back down.  It looked like they were flying.  I'm sure its technically complicated (and looks exhausting; every person doing it was very in-shape).  I'm hoping my water skiing, snow skiing, snowboarding, and endurance/triathlon training will help me out when the day comes.   Anyone who listens to me on a daily basis is probably annoyed because I've talked about this ALL week.

Here are a couple pictures I got off the internet so you get the idea of it.  Don't worry.  I'll eventually be in one that is very similar!

I'll have a more exciting post up soon.  I am doing a trail run race tomorrow (Saturday), then surfing on Sunday and SUP'ing next weekend (SUP = Stand-up Paddle Boarding).  Kite boarding isn't in my list yet, but it will be soon.  Unfortunately, lessons are crazy expensive and it's probably a good idea to know what you are doing since you are supposed to wear helmets and "impact chest vests" during the sport.  Anything that requires "impact chest vests" is completely up my ally!

Oh yeah, and go see Dave's Blog:  Dave's Blog.  He has several posts up lately and I'm in some of them.  -Mahalo!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle and I saw kite-boarding on our vacation at Tybee Island last summer! It was incredible!! I would be super impressed if you could do that by the time we come in August!
