July 27, 2012

Group shot at the Pali Lookout...

Here is a great photo from last week of Luke, myself, Michael, & "The Dave."  I think this might be one of the only pictures of the 4 of us, but who needs more than one when this picture couldn't be any better.  We are at the Pali Lookout.  It over looks the windward side of the island.  You can barely see the town of Kane'ohe between us.

Picture courtesy of Michael (...and the Australian tourist that took it for us)  

More adventures from their time here are to come.  There might even be a blog written by a guest-author on here about it.  Stay tuned...

Also: a shout out to my buddy Dave.  Memorial Day was a while ago, but check out his Memorial Day blog: Lamb Floating.  It is about a tradition that happens here every Memorial Day where they light floating lanterns in an ocean bay.  It has some AWESOME photos of the lanterns.  I was jealous I missed it (I was working -- blah).  Mahalo for visiting! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you and your visitors had a great time! Hopefully their visit kept you from doing any life-threatening hikes.

