August 12, 2012

One sickness after another...

Ugh.  Well I have nothing to report recently, mostly due to my random onset of evolving illnesses.  There is a flu outbreak around the island.  The unfortunate part about being a PT is always being in other people's personal space and sharing their germs.  I treated two ill clients, and later found out they both had the flu.  So, one of them passed it to me.  I felt awful for few days, but no big deal, right?  I was slowly feeling better, and was convinced I was in the clear.  Suddenly, after feeling better for 2 days, illness stuck again.  This time it was worse than my previous flu symptoms, so a visit to the doctor was necessary.  The doctor diagnosed me with bronchitis, mild pneumonia (likely caused by the bad bronchitis) and a sinus infection...all at the same time!  The doctor was impressed that I was still functioning, and assured me she would put me on the fast track to healing.  I'm finally starting to feel better after 3 prescriptions and several more days of rest.  My favorite of the three medications is the narcotic cough medecine.  It calms my lungs so that I can actually sleep (sleep was hard to get when I was constantly coughing for a few days straight), but it also makes me really loopy (to say the least!).  Luckily I'm feeling better just in time for more visitors from KY!  CJ and Danielle are here; let the adventures begin...

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Kris. I'm so sorry you've been sick. I suppose if you have to be sick, it may as well be in paradise! ;) Hope you're on the mend and enjoying your latest round of visitors! Aloha from Kansas. <3
